Chesed Outreach

We are very blessed to be part of a warm and caring congregation. We are committed to creating an environment where we feel comfortable sharing the challenges that we experience in our lives. Our goal is to help everyone feel comfortable asking for support, not only during times of illness or loss, but also during life transitions such as the birth of a child, separating from our children as they grow older, becoming an empty nester, dealing with job loss, looking for a job, caring for aging parents, and contemplating retirement, among many others.

How Can We Support You?

If you are seeking any kind of help or support, please let us know. You can email Claire Gerstein, Chair of the Chesed Outreach Committee at You can always be in touch with Rabbi Berman at or (617) 527-2192.

All conversations are confidential.

How Can You Volunteer?

We hope that you will be able to share your skills, experience and interests. Do you work with elders or coach young parents? Have you moved your own parents into new housing? You may be an exceptional listener or enjoy hearing people’s stories. You might be willing to spend time with someone who is homebound or in the hospital, or have a conversation with a member who has dropped a child off at kindergarten (or college) for the first time. Perhaps you would visit someone who has had a loss after support during shiva has lessened. You might simply offer a friend a ride to shul. In whatever way you can be involved, we would be very grateful.

Our ancient sages taught us: Whoever does deeds of charity and justice is considered as having filled the world with loving kindness, as it is written: “God loves charity and justice: the earth is filled with God’s loving kindness.” (Talmudic Tractate of Sukkah 49b).

May we continue to fill our lives with loving kindness.
