Shabbat Morning

We are an inclusive, joyful, spiritual and loving community. We celebrate and observe Shabbat together every Saturday morning beginning at 9:30 AM.


We daven in Hebrew and follow a traditional “matbeah,” or liturgy, including the full Torah and haftarah readings and Musaf.

We are a very participatory community, and our talented members join our Rabbi in leading our services. We encourage all those who would like to become our “shlichei tzibbur," or prayer leaders, to do so. We bring together traditional nusach (a musical framework for prayer), classic and modern melodies and Hasidic nigunim to guide our prayers.

D'var Torah

Our Rabbi offers a d’var Torah that helps us reflect on the meaning of the Torah reading. His divrei Torah combine traditional commentaries from our rabbinic tradition with insights from multiple disciplines - spiritual, psychological, and historical.


We follow services with kiddush prepared weekly by members of our community. Here you will see a hundred community members enjoying lunch, catching up and singing, kids playing and running outside, teens enjoying being together, and our Rabbi visiting all of us, asking how we are doing.


We daven Shabbat mincha at 1 PM.

If you would like to have an honor, lead services, or learn to lead any part of the service, please contact our Rabbi. We hope you will join us!